Friday, July 30, 2010

Back home

Good morning, everyone!

I landed in Boston around 9:30 last night, but didn't go to bed until 1am. No matter how tired I am, I always seem to find little things that need to be done after a long trip. Even though I've slept until 11am, I'm still really tired and have the feeling of constant motion. Jetlag takes on a whole new meaning when you've been traveling this long.

I've noticed that, though I've been gone only three weeks, the US has up and changed part of the currency on me. Rather than getting rid of the penny (Australia and New Zealand do just fine without them... and they even still have squished penny machines!) they've changed it and made it look stupid. Oh well.

Later on today, I plan on sorting through my 560-odd photos for printing. I'm also going to post a best of and worst of list, but I need to do some thinking first.

Thanks so much for reading, everyone! It's been very fun!

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