Friday, July 9, 2010

Cultural Center, Sushi and GIANT BAT! Update

First off, upon further research, I have learned that yesterday's bat is called a Flying Fox. See? Even the Australians think it's unnaturally large.

Today I visited the Queensland Museum and the Art Gallery. Let's just say there's a reason why they're free. The art museum did have a few cool Australian pieces from the early 1900s... but not a whole lot else. The Queensland Museum had all sorts of taxidermied animals, an exhibit on conservation and an exhibit on the history of the bathing suit. Not to be a stickler, but the "history" of the bathing suit started around 1880 or so... surely people have been plunking themselves into the water since before then.

After this, I got some sushi for lunch (what you see, plus a cup of miso soup cost 6 dollars) and ate at the Botanical Gardens. It's about 60 or 65 degrees outside, but most of the people here are wearing winter coats and scarves. They really love the scarves.

I think we're getting burgers for dinner tonight. I've been told that the Australian hamburger is an experience unlike nothing else--they put eggs and beets on them. I'll let you know how that goes.

Tomorrow we're off on our first eco-tour of the trip. We're going to Moreton Island, which is just off the coast. We'll be traveling in a 4X4 and I believe body boarding is somewhere in the mix, too. Laura says the company we're traveling with has excellent lunches. I do love being fed.

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