Saturday, July 3, 2010


Well, with just two days to go, I guess it's time to get this blog rolling.

I leave for Australia Monday evening, but I'm already worried now. There are so many factors that your standard worrier can choose to worry about! I've selected most of them. TSA, Customs, getting my backpack on carry-on, getting through customs and on a bus to another terminal in 1.5 hours to fly from Sydney to Brisbane... Then I'm also worried about out-staying my welcome with Laura and Bon, but of course, they'd be too good to say anything, which makes it even worse.

But, despite all that, I'm pretty excited. Laura's planned a lot of cool things to do together--an eco tour of Moreton Island, beach trips, glacier climbing--and cool things to do on my own--another eco tour, museums, botanical gardens, markets...

Down below, there's a calendar that lets you know where I am and what I'm doing. Right now it's set on Eastern Standard Time, but when I arrive in Australia, I'll update the timezone. There's also a list of links to the right. I'll probably add to this as I visit places.

Thanks very much for visiting!